Thursday, August 12, 2010


The past 6 weeks have been energizing, inspiring, exciting, and professionally satisfying. On July 1, 2010, I joined a new school district, my third in 18 years; I spent 4 years in my first district, and 13 years in my second district. On July 1, 2010, I became the 4th superintendent at my school district since 1945 - the 4th superintendent in 65 years - an impressive and humbling fact. In the one school, PK-8 school district where I am honored and excited to work, I have been "in transition" since July 1st. As part of my personal philosophy of leadership, RELATIONSHIPS and relationship building are cornerstones of any successful leadership experience. To that end, my entry into the new school district has been framed by listening, learning, meeting, understanding, examining, observing, reviewing, interacting, visiting, ... one could even say ... "leading". The meetings with staff have been (and continue to be) wonderful. I am eager to begin the new school year so I can see these impressive educators "in action". Transition and change are challenging concepts for many ... I'm grateful to the wonderful people with whom I now work that my transition is going smoothly. Leadership is not easy, leadership is rewarding, leadership is not making everyone happy, leadership is staying focused and building successful relationships. I'll keep the blog updated as the year progresses - this may become "a superintendent's journal" in addition to thoughts on educational leadership!

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