Sunday, March 28, 2010

IL Pension Law Changes

Illinois pension laws will change ... This will affect employees post 2011 ... but the concept is clear - all sectors, even the public sector - need to tighten their belts ... the economy is not getting better yet ... all the more reason we need great leaders and leadership in all parts of society.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What makes a leader effective ... an ongoing concept

Leaders are effective when people listen to them. Many writers and researchers have written a lot about leadership. Many studies identify scientifically what leadership is and what traits, behaviors, and responsibilities are "research-based" and proven to have "effects" and impacts on certain behaviors (like student achievement). What makes a leader effective is not answered or described in one post, one log, one blog, one answer. Unless the writer suggests that RELATIONSHIPS - two-way, respectful, nurturing, responsible, appropriate, mutually beneficial, and based upon common beliefs and vision - can help support an assertion that leaders are effective when they build relationships and when their leadership is built upon the foundation that people-centeredness is at least a hugely impactful starting point for effective leadership.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Great Professional Development Experience

Today I was inspired and engaged in a day long IL Administrator Academy course sponsored by North Cook and Lake County superintendents. The District Leadership that works ... striking a balance, presented by Dr. Tim Waters was very useful. Over the next few days I will reflect on what I learned, how I hope to apply the new learning, and generally how this type of professional development (PD) can make an impact on my leadership as well as overall student achievement increases.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Random thoughts about leadership ...

From time to time I will share some random thoughts about leadership ... Leadership is making tough decisions with input from key stakeholders. Leadership is making decisions based upon the values, mission, and vision of the organization. Leadership should be based upon the heart and mind in synergy.